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Upperville Burning: The 1864 Loudoun Burning Raid

  • McPherson Mill & Carr House Site Upperville, Virginia (map)

Join VPHA and living historians at the McPherson Mill and Carr House site in Upperville, Virginia for an exploration of the 1864 Loudoun Burning Raid. In response to the partisan actions of Confederate colonel John Singleton Mosby and his rangers, Union Cavalry General Wesley Merritt was dispatched in November 1864 to burn local farms and mills and to drive off livestock in the region. This move brought destruction to Loudoun and Fauquier counties, and it would be years before the community would fully recover. A living witness of this climactic moment, the mill site tell a narrative of those who lived through it. Enjoy an open house of the mill ruins, Carr House and Miller's House and discover the enduring story of this community at the height of the American Civil War.

VPHA Members $55
Non-Members $65

This program will include beer, wine, and refreshments.

Upperville Burning
from $55.00

November 14

Guest of The Nation: The Marquis de Lafayette

December 14

Christmas in Camp: Holiday Traditions During the Civil War